Roasted Green Tea 'Hojicha' 80g/2.82oz x 2pcs

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1. Roasted tea stems that boost the tea aroma

Koubou Hojicha is crafted by gently roasting only the stems of the first tea leaves. Initially, tea stems possess a naturally sweet and savory aroma, which is further enhanced through the roasting process, resulting in an even more fragrant infusion.

2. Pure and natural Chemical-free cultivation

The tea leaves are grown in gardens that do not use any pesticides or chemical fertilizers. This ensures a wholesome, untainted organic tea.

3. The Power of Hojicha's Pyrazine for Health Benefits

The primary component of hojicha's aroma, pyrazine, contributes to stabilizing the mind, enhancing blood flow, increasing sensitivity to cold, alleviating stiff shoulders, addressing menstrual irregularities, and alleviating skin issues such as dullness, dark circles, and roughness.

